This included the exceptionally brutal battle of Manila, which was the largest land battle in the Pacific.
The second rape occurred when she was ten years old and was exceptionally brutal.
The English spent the next 50 years trying to exert their control over the Irish population, often by exceptionally brutal means.
The match was an exceptionally brutal affair and was abandoned in the second half after a brawl between all 26 players.
In a small open space beyond the trees, he saw a woman who was struggling with three ruffians of exceptionally brutal and evil aspect.
Ratajczak believed that charge of anti-Semitism had become a sort of exceptionally brutal weapon, which the "establishment" uses ruthlessly against independent thinking men.
Few wrestlers have had as many match moments that are either flat out hilarious, or exceptionally brutal, as ELP.
He is known for having a public affair with Eve, the drama teacher and wife of his housemaster, and his exceptionally brutal ways.
You call him a brute, but he was not considered exceptionally brutal at the time, and he is remembered also as a great lawgiver.
While each of these conflicts resulted in extreme devastation and large human losses the invasion launched by Hitler had been exceptionally brutal.