In all the paintings there are signs of an exceptional purity.
Although other scientists had developed the YBCO compound, Dr. Ginsberg established a process that allowed the growth of crystals of exceptional purity.
The exceptional purity of n-heptane distilled from Jeffrey Pine resin led to n-heptane being selected as the zero point on the octane rating scale of petrol.
Bungamati is a town of exceptional architectural purity whose village square - temple aside - looks like a Renaissance painting come to life.
The powder is an important constituent in the production of optic fibers, crucibles, oscillators, solar cells, wafers and integrated circuit packing, and ceramic materials of exceptional purity.
Inner and outer vestibules lead to the octagonal chapter house, which is of exceptional architectural purity.
Only sand of exceptional purity can be used to make glass.
The exceptional purity of Iberian iron and the sophisticated method of forging, which included cold hammering, produced double-edged weapons of excellent quality.
The rain may have played a role in the deposit's exceptional purity.
The production has very interesting antecedents, including some from Leningrad that undoubtedly have much to do with the exceptional purity of classical style that informs the entire performance.