Like Gordie Howe, he possessed "an exceptional capacity to renew his energy resources quickly."
He is a young man of quite exceptional capacity in Mathematics and especially in work relating to numbers.
But even with the squales' exceptional capacity for animal breeding, how could they transform a living individual?
This nematode has the exceptional capacity to survive in extreme acidic conditions.
His outstanding talent, exceptional working capacity and his life experience soon turned him into Huţan's genuine, albeit unpaid, assistant coach.
Indeed, hers is an exceptional capacity even in the class rated as intellectual.
"These results reflect the exceptional capacity of our leading brands to increase market share whatever the circumstances," said Bernard Arnault, above, the chief executive.
It took guts to tackle a thousand years of the growth of the Western church and exceptional capacity to do it so well.
A phytochemical with exceptional preventive capacities is found in the hawthorn tree.
"It is evident that he was from the first regarded as an officer of exceptional capacity and specially selected for semi-political employments".