Experiments on Oral Form The drug administration has not approved the oral form of the drug except for use in the controlled experiments.
The bill under consideration in New York would have made it illegal to own certain semiautomatic weapons except for use at a target range or marksmanship competition.
Very few Lisu ever used opium, or its more common derivative heroin, except for medicinal use by the elders to alleviate the pain of arthritis.
Pushing power comes from elbow extensions, and appears close to normal except for use of modified gloves to compensate for grip.
In 2011 Atos introduced a Zero Email initiative, banning email as a form of internal communications, except for use with customers and prospects.
From 1999 - 2011, the base sat mostly unused, except for occasional use by military and police as a training centre.
Motor vehicles are prohibited on the island, except for use by the RIA, Police or other emergency services.
The G-2 was similar to the G-1 except for use of the extended wing of the D-5.
Both men have been accepted as among the club's 25 associate members, which means they have full use of all club facilities, except for use of the golf course on weekends.
Elves don't believe in mixing a pinch of this herb with a scoop of that powder, except for use in healing.