His book Measuring and Managing Performance in Organizations is an excellent and thorough survey of the subject.
"Contemporary British Architecture," an excellent survey show that has been on view since June, has only two more weeks to run.
Looking at the various rock types of the gravel is an excellent and cheap survey for a summarized geology of the rivers watershed (catchment area).
With more than 100 images,the show offers an excellent survey of his career.
Mr. Lincoln gives an excellent survey of penal policy in Siberia from the 19th century to the gulags.
Meissner's arrangement was an excellent survey of the known species at that time, but his infrageneric taxa were all highly heterogeneous.
He had recently completed an excellent survey in Anguilla; there were too many similarities between that assignment and the Jamaican grant for comfort.
This has sometimes been lost on recent theory-bound Conceptualists, who would do well to check out this excellent survey.
An excellent survey of Prior's life and achievement is:
An excellent survey of different radar techniques for remote sensing of waves is given by Tucker (1991).