They do have an excellent story, but it has just fallen by the wayside.
But it is a long while since the American reading public has been offered such a bounteous feast of excellent story telling.
An unbroken series of excellent stories followed, and now she was in Tampa to sustain her record.
These excellent stories left me hoping that Budnitz will turn her attention more directly to the world we actually live in.
It might need an excellent story, very well told, but not a mythology.
Introduction The year 2001 was an excellent one for the science fiction short story.
In 2001 he returned to genre publications with a number of excellent stories.
They were, in fact, excellent stories, but Jorel was hardly about to say that out loud.
Sure, it may be possible to write an excellent short story in which you show the beginnings of the protagonist's agony.
Quibbles aside, this is an excellent story of a man and his times.