I turn round, hear myself called by name, and approaching, find two young people of my acquaintance, excellent horsewomen, could not make their horses cross the rivulet.
He knew she was an excellent horsewoman but the shock of her father's death had drained all of the life from her.
Florence was also an excellent horsewoman who married Maxwell McNutt, of San Francisco.
Skye Dennehy was an excellent horsewoman and a crack whip.
Though she considered herself an excellent horsewoman, she'd never driven a team before.
Skilled with javelins, spears and bows, she was an excellent horsewoman and commanded her own battalion.
"I have the feeling you'll make an excellent horsewoman."
Walters was herself an excellent horsewoman and along with other 'pretty horsebreakers' frequently appeared riding in Hyde Park.
An excellent horsewoman, she loved livestock and carefully followed cattle prices as they fluctuated from $260 a head to as low as $19.
She was an excellent horsewoman and handled the beast with sure skill.