And full to the brim with excellent fertilizer.
Replies: Linda, Ammonium nitrate is an excellent fertilizer that can be purchased in garden shops.
An excellent fertilizer in its stead is widely sold, it's called Bulb-Booster.
It is small solace for victims to be reminded by agronomists that grasshopper guano is excellent fertilizer for next year's crops.
There are seabirds up there, and I'm told that bird-droppings make excellent fertilizer.
For example, Indian cow's milk is naturally sweet and has low fat while its urine, even in its raw form, is an excellent fertilizer.
In addition, an excellent fertilizer can be produced from the slurry from biogas plants.
Containing water-soluble nutrients, vermicompost is an excellent, nutrient-rich organic fertilizer and soil conditioner.
Cyanamide degrades via hydrolysis to urea, an excellent fertilizer.
Moreover, the pigeons' droppings made an excellent fertilizer.