I thought that if I just became an excellent enough driver, things would work out for me.
Tarakanov, apart from anything else, was an excellent driver of the kind you don't often find in our great land.
He's also an excellent driver, so teams can't play him strictly for the jumper.
He developed into an excellent driver and spokesperson for the sport.
He was an excellent driver, indeed I do not think I have ever seen a better, and by no means a bad shot.
"If you restore a British sports car to a proper standard, it will be an excellent daily driver."
"If it makes you feel better, you're an excellent driver."
He is an excellent driver and finisher on the fast break.
"Your turning into an excellent driver, after all," she said, winking him.
"He is an excellent driver nonetheless," said Peter, introducing himself not forgetting to include his doctor's title.