The town offers good accommodation options, and excellent dining.
Almagro can be visited in half a day, but a fine parador and excellent dining may tempt you, as it did us, to spend the night.
Since the majority of Singapore's population is Chinese, it is no surprise that excellent Chinese dining abounds there.
There are dozens of cafes, a nine-screen cinema and excellent dining at such spots as Adirondacks, a pricey restaurant favored by those with expense accounts.
The presence of such gorgeous greenery signaled the high probability of excellent dining.
Perhaps, when they leave, they take away memories of excellent dining, but they are not likely to catch the subtle flavor of Pesaro itself.
The following restaurants, two in Port Douglas and three in Cairns, offer a taste of excellent tropical dining.
Visitors also enjoy excellent dining on fine Karoo lamb and cheeses from the local dairy.
Golf, lawn bowls, a swimming pool and excellent dining make the Ocean Shores Country Club a popular holiday venue.
A staid and old-fashioned gentlemen's club, The Senior Conservative is a calm and quiet place with discreet staff and excellent dining.