And an excellent compilation is The Master - four discs and the most comprehensive collection you'll find.
The result is a growing hybrid genre, highlighted on the recent, excellent compilation "Shockout," known as "breakcore."
Illustrated with eight folio plates, drawn on stone by Mr. William Lover, from dissections and designs by Dr. Flood,' fol., London, 1843, an excellent compilation.
Although critically acclaimed as an excellent compilation, it did not fit in with the previous Queen compilations.
It is a poetic narrative in Tamil intended to be an excellent compilation of the various aspects of Indian mythology and beliefs about God.
Based on its citation by other astronomers, Arp's atlas is recognized now as an excellent compilation of interacting and merging galaxies.
For those who still like to buy music, an excellent compilation called "Soundboy Punishments" has just been released.
Equally economic historians who are interested in statistical data can turn to his excellent compilation of hearth tax accounts, published posthumously.
From MeteorCity excellent compilation ...And Back To Earth Again (2007)...
The Punk77 website described it as an "excellent" compilation.