Matthew concealed his shock by taking a fortifying swallow of the excellent brandy.
However, Leighton served excellent brandy, which didn't leave even the faintest trace of a hangover.
Colonel Battleax came calling, however, with a large bottle of excellent brandy, and the gathering soon took on a more relaxed, social atmosphere.
It was excellent brandy, though he couldn't identify it closer than that.
Drink some more of my excellent brandy.
'If I might have some more 'of that excellent brandy, my dear.
'This is not in any way meant to be a slight on the excellent brandy one gets here.'
He helped himself to a little more of the hotel's excellent brandy.
I trust you will honour us by having some of my excellent brandy.
I felt warm and relaxed, as if I'd just had an excellent brandy or had finished making love.