I'd call Bennett at the hospital and be exceedingly sweet to him and also set up my alibi for the afternoon.
The exceedingly sweet treacle pudding is the real thing, served with hot custard (£3.95).
Salmon teriyaki, a beautifully grilled plank of fillet, is arresting with its pickled ginger garnish - just go lightly on the exceedingly sweet sauce.
If you go for those fluffy, exceedingly sweet confections, there is a white chocolate mousse in a bittersweet chocolate shell.
On the other side of the pole, a goblet of mixed berries brought some that were ripe and some not; and bread pudding was exceedingly sweet.
Another example was deftly grilled shrimp set in a pond of exceedingly sweet mango hollandaise with sweet fried plantains on the side.
Eggplant Orientale, a $19.50 dish of eggplant with onions and mushrooms, was exceedingly sweet and lacked the garlic punch it used to have.
Laurence Vittes noted that Clarke's "Lullaby" was "exceedingly sweet and tender".
Murcotts: Also called honey tangerines, these late-season fruit are exceedingly sweet.
The recipe made an exceedingly sweet but sublime casserole.