The iron head of their weapons were exceedingly sharp.
Pray it is not so, Liandrin; I make second lessons exceedingly sharp.
Alma 19:28 28 And thus the contention began to be exceedingly sharp among them.
He uses an exceedingly sharp fork.
His eyes - so red-rimmed and weak - were exceedingly sharp at spotting every difference between the thirty-odd different kinds of mosquitoes that he met.
She is an autodidact of immense literary learning, a poetic sensibility and an exceedingly sharp sense of the prevailing mediocrity.
It was then that Tarzan first noticed that the fellow's upper canines were unusually long and exceedingly sharp.
He was an artist with a strong ironical bent willing to combine hardly comparable things and by this method he achieved exceedingly sharp effects.
You must have exceedingly sharp eyes to have spotted Saphira earlier.
Knives, some of them exceedingly sharp, hung in racks.