We were exceedingly hungry, but there was nothing to satisfy our appetites.
Ramoth repeated wistfully how exceedingly hungry she was, so long confined in that shell without nourishment.
This consumed some time, for Rinkitink had been exceedingly hungry and liked to eat in a leisurely manner.
But melons are not very satisfying, and when we had satisfied our thirst with their pulpy substance, and set a stock to cool by the simple process of cutting them in two and setting them end on in the hot sun to get cold by evaporation, we began to feel exceedingly hungry.
Then we came a standstill, till I, being exceedingly hungry, thought I might as well call attention to the fact, and did so first by opening my mouth and pointing down it, and then rubbing my stomach.
Being exceedingly hungry, I ate the slice of ham.
Jack found that he was exceedingly hungry.