Most needed are troops to enforce an exceedingly complicated treaty that would carve up Bosnia into 10 largely autonomous, ethnically mixed enclaves.
Like everything to do with the first couple, this latest chapter in their public lives is an intricate and exceedingly complicated involvement.
The following rough outline no doubt immediately preceded the rewriting of the opening chapter: the fifth version, and an exceedingly complicated document.
It was an exceedingly complicated tale and Strange did not believe a word of it.
His additional sense was, technically viewed, nothing but an exceedingly complicated radio apparatus such as human and Arkonide had had thus far been unable to produce.
It's an exceedingly complicated mechanism, you know.
The orchestra did very well with Shostakovich's boisterous "Festive" Overture and with the exceedingly complicated music from Leonard Bernstein's "On the Town."
When DaimlerChrysler and Deutsche Telekom signed a contract with the government in 2002, they made grand promises about how quickly they could design and build an exceedingly complicated system.
It's an exceedingly complicated way of committing suicide.
To accomplish the great desideratum of ærial navigation, it was very generally supposed that some exceedingly complicated application must be made of some unusually profound principle in dynamics.