In about twenty minutes I felt an exceedingly cold air pass by my cheek, like a sudden draught.
The Atlantic Ocean was exceedingly cold until the end of June.
Low temperatures during winter nights can be exceedingly cold, with several night temperatures dropping below zero in the winter.
In addition she was exceedingly cold and was glad when the sun came up bringing with it the promise of a hat summer day.
The wind, in the meantime, had veered from the west to north-by-west, and, though not becoming any stronger, had become exceedingly cold.
This was a difficult mountain region, and exceedingly cold, and I was much exhausted by the rigors of the journey.
It's a surprise because Europa is exceedingly cold, and covered in thick layers of ice.
Snow is falling, very heavily, and blowing about at the same time, and it is exceedingly cold.
Miri was not shaking anymore, though she was exceedingly cold.
She took an instant dislike to Reuben Ashcroft, and her greeting was exceedingly cold.