After him came a peculiar little mongrel dog with one blind eye and one exceedingly bright and lively one.
It was not stupid-indeed, it was exceedingly bright, if limited.
But the energy released is not very great, the flash is not exceedingly bright, and it ends very quickly.
And who knows how many hundreds of thousands of exceedingly bright people there are with ingenuity and all that?
"In the words of an exceedingly bright engineer...up your shaft, Garak."
I get the next one,' Leopol cried, appearing unexpectedly beside them and looking up at Debera, his eyes exceedingly bright.
Assemblyman Dearie called him "an exceedingly bright guy."
Lessa came back into the weyr just then, her face flushed, her eyes exceedingly bright.
He had a white beard, raggedly cut, but not very long, a hollow face, and exceedingly bright eyes.
Oh yes, an exceedingly bright female.