Changes in other portions of the record did not exceed 0.03 C; it made no discernible difference to the global mean anomalies.
It is likely that muscle temperature exceeded 44.1 C for at least part of the 90 min exercise.
Temperatures can exceed 45 C in the summer months and drop below freezing in the winter.
In summer temperatures can exceed 50 C, and during the winter they may dip below freezing.
Temperatures have exceeded 35 C (95 F) in every season.
Temperatures usually exceed 30 C during the day, which, coupled with a high humidity, can result in an extreme heat index.
Although at times the maximum temperatures often exceed 35 C, since it is a city with a very hot climate.
For instance, if the temperature inside the building exceeds 28 C, users are allowed to switch on the air conditioning.
As of 2010 wet-bulb temperatures only very rarely exceeded 30 C anywhere.
This increase, according to the report, must not exceed 2 C in 2050.