In the late 1990's, revenues exceeded predictions by more than $100 billion a year.
From the moment Elephant Walk opened, it was successful, with current sales far exceeding even predictions for next year.
Revenue was exceeding predictions and "costs were going down," she said.
Colombia has pulled itself from a long recession, exceeding predictions and posting a 3 percent economic growth rate last year.
But the turnout exceeded predictions, with nearly 400,000 voters casting ballots for the Republican candidates.
During those two months, the population exceeded predictions causing some classes to be moved and additional teachers to be hired.
The total ticket income was about 700 million, exceeding earlier predictions.
During the 1970s and '80s, the village continued to grow at a pace that exceeded earlier predictions.
Chromosome 1 is currently thought to have 4,316 genes, exceeding previous predictions based on its size.
The scheme proved to be a great success, much exceeding predictions.