In each year since 1983, tax receipts and interest income have exceeded benefit payments and other expenditures, in 2009 by more than $120 billion.
After 1906, public expenditures on agricultural research in the US exceeded private expenditures for the next 44 years.
I did make certain that income exceeded expenditures, and the picture has improved considerably since I came aboard, as you can surely see!
One result was that money collected through various legal actions grew sharply, and the law department revenues under Mr. Schwartz began exceeding expenditures.
New York, by comparison, expects revenue to continue exceeding projections and expenditures to be less than budgeted.
Government saving arises when federal, state, and local government revenue exceeds current expenditures.
This year, payroll tax revenues will exceed expenditures by over $30 billion, and the annual surplus is expected to grow well into the next century.
In 1988, for the first time, the amount spent on advertising overseas exceeded expenditures in the United States, by about $3 billion.
In 2007 government revenues of US$58.5 billion exceeded expenditures of US$41.4 billion.
For now, revenues exceed expenditures, generating surpluses that are used to buy Government bonds.