Their overall global cost may exceed $3 billion this year because of operations in Yugoslavia and Cambodia.
They are expected to exceed $8.5 billion because of the huge security and overruns in the last-minute scramble to have competition sites ready in time.
If the list were to exceed ten skaters because of a tie in points, then goals will take precedence.
(The share can exceed 100 percent because of homes with multiple television sets.)
Never exceed 15mcg/kg/hour because of the accumulative effects of morphine.
The Old City exceeds expectations because of its size, elegance and decrepitude.
The lawsuit asks damages exceeding $100,000 a day because of the delay in shipping oil.
But the division's results exceeded many analysts' expectations, mainly because of steep cost cuts.
This would exceed the 1988 rise of 4.4 percent, largely because of a surge in oil prices last winter.
If the list exceeds ten skaters because of a tie in points, goals will take precedence.