Grace shook his head with a pained, exasperated expression.
His face flickered through a cascade of exasperated expressions.
He watched her with an exasperated expression, and then leaned forward and kissed her.
She took note of Buchanan's exasperated expression and ploughed on.
He smiled at the exasperated expression on the man's face.
Turkoglu's heart sank, and his exasperated expression - "What more can I do?"
"Unfortunately, your place now needs to be behind me," Salaam said, giving his wife a smile when he noticed her exasperated expression.
He looked at it with a peculiar exasperated expression, and handed it to Towers.
There were no replies this time, just exasperated expressions.
The tall dwarf made no move, however, so finally with an exasperated expression, Duncan turned and stomped back.