Mississippian culture pottery was made from locally available clay sources, which often gives archaeologists clues as to where a specific example originated.
The Italian example originated samples of effective and innovative service models and paved the way for deinstitutionalisation of mental patients.
Some examples may have originated from the planet Mercury.
The earliest definite examples of needles originate from the Solutrean culture, which existed in France from 19,000 BC to 15,000 BC.
It is possible that at least some examples of enstatite chondrite meteorites originated from this asteroid, based on similar spectral analysis results.
The most often-cited example of this fallacy originated with Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman:
The earliest examples of the style originate with the works of such eminent architects as Norman Shaw and George Devey, in what at the time was thought of as a neo-Tudor design.
Many illustrative examples of nondimensionalization originate from simplifying differential equations.
Another example originated from the Monster March event that ran throughout March 2002, during which the schedule featured many monster-themed shows and movies.
A well-known example originates from a paper by Kahneman and Schkade, who coined the term "focusing illusion" in 1998.