Soon he would be hunting again, following the example of his father.
Imposed from the outside, family can be destructive, as the example of the author's father seems to suggest.
It hints at how the younger Wong is shaped by the example of his father.
The KIng is not expected to follow the example of his father, who married four sisters from a wealthy family.
All her life, she says, she has been inspired by the example of her father.
Hanging over the question of whether he should enter law as a career was the example of his father.
Mr. Dole said he was also following the example of his father, "who made certain everyone else went to a doctor."
He followed the example of his father and the middle-European community from which he came.
He used the example of his father, whom he said he spoke with recently on the phone.
The best inspiration for me has always been the example of my father.