Additionally, individual courses within related disciplines (e.g. Business, Sociology, Public Policy) examine nonprofit studies in a variety of contexts.
It examined placebo-controlled studies and concluded ECT had minimal benefits for people with depression and schizophrenia.
In a more recent article, he examines rodent studies conducted from individuals in the C57 line in order to provide foundational support for this claim.
The F.D.A. said it would continue to examine recent studies of the drugs to determine whether more regulatory action was needed.
A 2008 systematic review examined studies on motorcycle riders who had crashed and looked at helmet use as an intervention.
Their new report examined several recent studies and revealed some interesting findings.
Dr. Sandra Kweder, deputy director of the agency's office of new drugs, said it would have had to examine studies of the drug closely.
As with Vioxx, the agency has gathered a panel of independent experts to examine studies of the drug and tell the agency what to do.
The exhibition also features portraits, large images of museumgoers examining art, mural-size landscapes of subtropical forests and recent urban studies.
As part of the preparations for their own writings, biographers have traditionally examined previous biographical studies.