The study, published in Health Affairs, examined novel strategies for conserving antibiotics while also encouraging new drug development.
"Future studies should examine strategies for long-term maintenance of ketamine's rapid antidepressant response," the authors conclude.
The purpose of the committee was "to examine regional strategies and the work of regional bodies" in the North West.
A final example uses probability to examine Magic card-collecting strategies.
He said the White House council was "interested in developing policy, examining strategies, pushing forward into the future."
"When Giants Learn to Dance," published in 1989, examines strategies for handling corporate change, with special emphasis on personnel and career management.
The American-led group was assigned to examine strategies for dealing with the problem.
Her second book, SelfScape, examines practical strategies for achieving success and work/life balance in today's world.
The principals did not examine individual military strategies.
The hearing will examine innovative strategies to reduce obesity among children and adolescents.