The author has examined primary sources; based on them, he claims that widely repeated data about the A1 is mostly in error.
Some idea of the variance in pitches can be gained by examining old pitchpipes, organ pipes and other sources.
He examined various possible sources of the additional observed heat in articles published in 1824 and 1827.
Examine sources of stress - reduce causes where possible.
And yet he wanted to look more deeply into the workings of the thing, to examine its more distant roots and sources.
Officials examining primary and secondary sources, legal documents, and the testimony of former members, concluded that the organization was "antithetical to a democratic state".
In particular, the analysis should examine other sources of the chemical in the environment.
When examining Jewish intellectual sources throughout history, there is clearly a spectrum of opinions regarding death versus the afterlife.
In addition to past judicial pronouncements (of which few were found) he examined historical sources.
A future articlewill examine possible biological sources of violence.