These people, on the margins of existence, do not have the luxury of dispassionately examining the achievements or failures of the Islamic radical movement in other lands.
There is nothing sentimental about their relationship; Mr. Dold clearly and dispassionately examines humanity and leaves us with a little hope.
Nor, examined dispassionately, is the material in "Sexaholix" many cuts above all those rib-nudging stand-up routines that emerged in the long shadow of Lenny Bruce.
If the justices dispassionately examine affirmative action's track record, they will find little reason to discard longstanding precedent and narrow the leeway of admission officials to choose among promising candidates.
All my senses sharpened and I examined the situation almost dispassionately, seeing how many guards were close, judging how my fellow captives would react to an incident.
And examined dispassionately the material here isn't many cuts above all those rib-nudging routines that emerged in the long shadow of Lenny Bruce.
We believe the special nature of this case suggests the decision should be taken out of the hands of the borough council and examined dispassionately at a public inquiry.
And I examined dispassionately the case against Charles Templeton.
On examining dispassionately the conduct of Rienzi at this awful period of his life, it is scarcely possible to condemn it of a single error in point of policy.
Yes, it was true that they had to dispassionately examine all of the events in order to learn from what took place, but did that process really require an absolute excisement of the bigger picture?