This year, the British Museum's major autumn exhibition will examine ancient Egyptian beliefs about life after death.
Students are challenged to understand the ethical dimensions of personal and professional life and to examine their own values, attitudes, and beliefs.
They would otherwise have to start examining beliefs, and how do you apply objective standards to those?
Boas examines beliefs that more accomplished civilizations must have higher intelligence and "discovered little evidence to support them."
He hates people who wont examine beliefs critically.
The book examines widely held beliefs about the historical origins and sources of the Islamic holy book.
Lambert (2003) has examined the religious affiliations and beliefs of the Founders.
We'll examine common beliefs about how dinosaurs lived, moved and reproduced.
Indigenous psychology generally advocates examining knowledge, skills and beliefs people have about themselves and studying them in their natural contexts.
On the contrary, peer-reviewed studies have produced inconsistent results when directly examining patriarchal beliefs and wife abuse.