Republicans in Congress have blocked requests by Democrats to examine allegations of detainee abuse.
While the Health Department's adult-home regulators have not examined allegations of medical fraud, others in the department have.
The investigation will examine allegations that information was then written up into memo form and faxed to the News of the World.
The inquiry has expanded to examine allegations of improper payments, travel irregularities and sexual misconduct in the men's athletic department.
Officers are examining allegations that Shannon's disappearance was inspired by a television drama.
Now both his lives will come under public scrutiny as a House ethics panel examines allegations of misconduct.
They are also expected to examine allegations that Enron officials threatened to stop doing business with the firms if they did not invest in the partnerships.
It examined allegations about his company and others, involved in an alleged UK government "cover up" similar to 9/11 conspiracy theories.
The public integrity section examines allegations of wrongdoing on the part of public officials.
He pledged to examine allegations that the unit killed opponents of apartheid.