Preliminary examination of the evidence identifies the driver as Warren Lynch, an ex-basketball player.
Ballistic examinations had positively identified the bolt as being a component of the firearm which discharged the cartridges found at the scene of two of the murders.
From 4,167 containers of returned remains, forensic examination identified 4,219 individuals.
First, the collation and examination of long term trend data about children in care in order to identify and seek to explain significant changes and continuities.
In his Feb. 4 remarks, General Powell said his staff's examination of "three major regional conflict scenarios" did not identify specific countries as potential adversaries.
A detailed examination of Nucleoplasmin identified a sequence with two elements made up of basic amino acids separated by a spacer arm.
Physical examination A general physical examination of the proband may identify associated craniofacial, musculoskeletal, or visceral malformations that could indicate a particular syndrome.
The first examination, made according to algorithmic rules, identifies those cells whose geometry appears abnormal, marking them with dots on a screen (above).
A medical history and physical examination can identify the causes of constipation.
Regular dental examinations may identify pre-cancerous lesions in the oral cavity.