Moreover, memories may even be distorted to become more favourable-people typically remember exam grades as having been better than they actually were.
Some exam grades left a bit to be desired.
We should return to the pre-1987 system and allow exam grades to regain some credibility.
As things are, exam grades can be moderated slightly in particularly unusual cases but the difference made is very small indeed.
In both cases, this will likely show up when the density of exam grades is examined.
Candidates are then given provisional offers based on the proviso that they gain predicted exam grades the following summer.
One the Monday the exam grades were posted outside the library, I shoved my way up to the board with the freshman list.
Reassure your teen your love and support does not depend on exam grades.
Distribution in the schools is done by education boards, based on exam grades.
In addition, students who are older than 13 are not allowed into general education public secondary school, regardless of their exam grades.