Even I, in my exalted state, could detect some sentimentality here).
I spent my entire life seeking to attain that exalted state.
"But we won't be there to enjoy our sudden rise to that exalted state."
Yet the colonel seemed to be in a strange, exalted state, a sort of calm serenity.
Caudell could see him leave the exalted state in which he'd rushed toward certain death.
In their exalted state, the two become absorbed into the consciousness of the Self.
Henry considers misfitdom to be an exalted state, a cut above the common.
That was four years away and there would be so much to do to reach that exalted state.
She was very calroin almost an exalted state of mind.
He had then entered a confused but exalted state, a blur of action, like a violent dream.