Was she overreacting to her lone experience with the man, attributing to him an exaggerated trait to compensate for her revulsion?
The first evidence for parental selection of exaggerated, ornamental traits in offspring was found in American Coots.
This brightly colored, exaggerated trait makes Coot chicks more susceptible to predation and does not aid in thermoregulation, but remains selected for by parental choice.
Sexually antagonistic co-evolution entails the cyclic process between the exaggerated (persistent) traits and the resistant traits by the sexes.
The latter need assistance to mate and give birth because of exaggerated traits.
It also acknowledged that Chairman Ronnie Irving had spoken out about exaggerated traits in some breeds.
It lacks the substance Britten gives his characters, who though they have their exaggerated traits, always hold a surprise or two.
There was also a positive correlation found between attendance, magnitude of exaggerated traits, age, frequencies of fights, and mating success.
El Greco attempted to express religious emotion with exaggerated traits.
Various visual signals act in combination to attract a mate and female choice will shift toward several particularly exaggerated traits.