Its exaggerated size is said to emphasize human vulnerability and helplessness.
It is a white and blue horizontal bicolor, with a profile of the island (and its landmark lighthouse, with exaggerated size) in the white band.
The rest of the rooms had solid walls, in fact they gave the general appearance of closets built to an exaggerated size.
Known as "Mickey Mouse boots" or "clown shoes" because of their exaggerated size, they were made to be worn over light shoes.
On the Finnish map, a lot of smaller islands or skerries were, for technical reasons, given a slightly exaggerated size.
An architectural criticism is the exaggerated size of the substructure of the Temple in his designs.
Passion-fruit, he would have said, of an exaggerated size.
Approaching the pavilions from either the rear or side, one realizes their exaggerated size.
Literally, megalopolis in Greek means a city of exaggerated size where the prefix megalo- represents a quantity of exaggerated size.
In The Deep Range, a squid of exaggerated size is captured and exhibited.