He repeated, with exaggerated movement of his lips, "You know anything about an accident here today?"
In short order he created a new form of dance, one marked by large, exaggerated movements involving hands, arms and bodies.
A lot of times when it's blowing so hard, you get exaggerated movement on the ball.
Mungo nodded with an exaggerated movement so that the gesture would carry.
He wasted no effort with exaggerated movements and wild slashes.
He put his hands up, and then with slow, exaggerated movements opened the door and got out of the car.
She watched him speed up like a flash, walking through the deliberately exaggerated movement and speech.
He nodded his head, an exaggerated movement to make sure that the pilot could see him, and started toward the craft.
As she had done, the angel nodded-but it was an exaggerated, awkward movement for him.
The arrangement is considered by some confused in composition and with exaggerated movements of the figures.