Gently, with exaggerated care, he closed the sliding door so as not to make the least sound.
A boy grinned at him, and lifted out one of the black cases with exaggerated care to hand to another.
The human got in, and still holding the box with exaggerated care, placed it on its knees.
I put the glass down with exaggerated care and glared at him.
He filled the glasses with exaggerated care, then handed one to each of the others.
He turned and walked out the half-open door, each step taken with exaggerated care.
Then she lifted her bag from the chair, turned the door handle with exaggerated care and made for the kitchen.
After a while, he went back to the newspapers, spreading them out yet again, and reading every story with exaggerated care.
He finished off his drink and set the empty glass down on the table with exaggerated care.
Then, with exaggerated care, he lowered the old soldier to the ground.