While the ordinary goods of daily life receive exacting attention from industrial designers, ergonomic experts and human behavior analysts, airport security artifacts are the products of casual indifference.
The robots also illustrate Mr. Jobs's exacting attention to detail: Next asked the Japanese and American makers of the robots to remove their logos and painted the machines gray simply to preserve a uniform appearance.
An exacting attention to upticks in analysts' estimates is a hallmark of Mr. McQuiddy's strategy.
The job of press secretary is considered a critical one in the Cuomo adminstration, which pays exacting attention to the media coverage it receives.
Terence Blanchard's sextet sounds more like a small classical-music ensemble than most jazz groups do: there is an exacting attention paid to prearranged dynamics.
Few will dispute the fact that early performances of a play deserve the most exacting and faithful attention available.
In addition to having a philosophy, he pays exacting attention to technique.
Through all the activity, she manages to pay exacting attention to her guests' whims.
Soil and compost also provide buffering action, thus dispensing with the exacting attention to plant feeding and soil acidity demanded by soil-less mixes.
His exacting attention to the exposure of the picture produces rich color saturation in the final prints.