We knew where the city was, so we could plan exact trajectories.
We'll have to wait for the autopsy to get the exact trajectory of the shots.
Trajectory Is Unclear Experts said it was impossible to predict where debris might land, since the station's exact trajectory will become clear only a few hours before its demise.
Let us hope the entire tube has been emptied by the alien mining operationsи It appears we do have a quite exact trajectory.
The valley temple was connected to the pyramid by a causeway whose exact trajectory is unknown, even though its first few meters are still visible today.
The camera was on her, so we could compute an exact trajectory and pick her up with an hour to spare.
Idiots didn't know that somebody as vertical as me can tell the number of wheel revolutions and the exact trajectory of every curve.
The observation that is constant along the solution curves of the Hamilton's equations allows us to describe the exact trajectories of the system: they are the level curves of .
We plot, in , the exact trajectories and the numerical solutions of the system.