There is no good way to maintain the exact temperature required to maintain equilibrium.
Unlike most cooling methods, hilotherapy offers the possibility of controlling the exact temperature setting for the treatment.
The exact temperature will be influenced by the raw materials used and the desired characteristics of the finished ware.
The custom control options let you determine the exact temperature for precise grilling.
Among other things, it dictated the exact temperatures for specific rooms (the church should be no cooler than 57 degrees).
The new Polder thermometer lets you know the bird's exact temperature without ever opening the oven door.
The exact temperature should be 130 degrees.
American Standard has a faucet with an internal thermometer that tells you the exact temperature of the water exiting from it.
The exact temperature at which this condensation begins is known as the dew point.
In the same way, knowing what month it is will not reveal the exact temperature, but will make certain temperatures more or less likely.