The exact probability of measuring the correct answer is:
The exact probability that a player will respond with cooperation depends on the line-up of opponents.
Since our practical interest is for ranges of values, and not the exact probability for a given value, nothing is lost by this approximation.
The exact probability depends on the line-up of opponents.
Ninety five per cent confidence intervals for the relative risk was calculated using exact probabilities.
The exact probabilities can not be known beforehand, so use estimates from statistics about the collection of documents must be used.
I've not worked out the exact probabilities, but a collision is inevitable every few days.
If you want to calculate the exact probability, one way to look at it is like this.
Existing software only provides exact probabilities for sample sizes less than about 30 participants.
They're saying, 'If you're 40, what is the exact probability of having a child with Down's syndrome?'