By this logic, I in a tuxedo at the Academy Awards would look better than George Clooney in the exact same outfit at McDonalds.
Tonight, on the eve of trial, I deliver them to the county jail, where they will be stored in a wardrobe warehouse on the main level, a thousand automated hooks like a mechanical snake on the ceiling that moves with the press of a button to produce the exact outfit for the right inmate.
The smell of it made me wonder if it was the exact same outfit he'd been wearing, was it five or six days ago?
Katherine's daughter was upset when a friend was allowed to wear a tight dress with a sheer top, while Katherine had rejected the same exact outfit for her.
They have also arrived at work wearing the exact same outfits, which actually happened to Mr. Strauss and Mr. Greenstein.
Sources differ significantly on the exact outfit of light guns.
Both had worn the exact same outfit - black corduroy pants with matching, multicolored sweaters.
"If we're gonna play team golf, we're gonna dress like a team," Jackie said happily, pulling out the exact same outfit for himself.
He wore a bright yellow leisure suit and a tie so wide I would have thought it was a Halloween costume if my father hadn't owned the exact same outfit.
And Keeping Tabs is pretty sure she had the exact outfit that Melissa Gilbert once wore in 1982.