When it comes to choosing your exact itinerary, you may want to wait until closer to your departure date.
McCunn had sent three maps with his campsite marked to some friends and his father, but was not clear about his exact itinerary.
What was the exact itinerary?
Their exact itinerary has been kept secret for security reasons.
"Dad, Mom I will e-mail or call you with exact itinerary as soon as I have it."
Our exact itinerary will be determined by local conditions on sea and land.
Allard hadn't announced the exact itinerary, but the passengers were talking in terms of Panama.
The dates for his proposed trip and the exact itinerary are still under discussion, officials said.
"We don't have an exact itinerary, but that doesn't seem to matter," she said.
It really depends on your exact proposed itinerary, when, how long for and what your budget is.