Many agencies use proprietary powders produced by independent companies, and so the exact formulation of these powders is not revealed.
New frameworks have been developed that allow "exact" formulations irrespectively of the type or nature of the system nonlinearities.
The exact formulation is as follows.
But it could also could be a prologue to a more exact formulation of a concept, or a better understanding.
The exact formulation of the two products is different.
Keynes's successors debated the exact formulations, mechanisms, and consequences of the Keynesian model.
Other formulations were later developed (and Isaac Babbitt's exact formulation is not known with certainty).
It is, however, extremely idiosyncratic, quite apart from scholarly doubts as to its exact formulation.
Even so, researchers worldwide are still working toward an exact and tractable formulation of the theory's equations.
The exact formulation of this conjecture is as follows: