The jury was not asked to determine the exact duration of the violation.
It is known that has held the position from the late 1850s until well into the 1870s but the exact duration is uncertain.
The exact duration of the training program is still under discussion, a senior Pentagon official involved in the plan said today.
Each station had a log with the exact duration of each break.
The exact duration of these blackout periods is hard to determine, because most people fall asleep before they end.
The room vibrated for fifteen seconds, which was the exact duration of his smile.
Dhasal made a mental note to check the exact duration later.
The exact duration of the transmission will not be known until next week, but it was expected to be about 75 minutes.
The exact duration of his reign is unknown but was probably at the beginning of the 9 century.
The exact duration of the temporary outage has not been documented.