A solitary balloon had no chance of getting an exact bearing on its prey.
"It is too weak to get an exact bearing, but..." He moved away.
The radio search system, which allows air-traffic controllers to give an airplane its exact bearing before landing, was also out of order.
Lacking opposition, The Shadow had no difficulty in keeping his exact bearings.
And in passing her as he'd done, Trent had gotten an exact bearing to her destination, which was his.
Active sonar gives the exact bearing to a target, and sometimes the range.
As a result, it was much harder to pinpoint the plane's exact bearing or distance and gave the target very little warning of their arrival.
There were no landmarks in interstellar space, no point of reference from which to get exact bearings.
You'll be willing to give me the exact bearing and the distance, won't you Rovol?
The upshot is that the receiver can determine with certainty the exact bearing from the station.