When the ex-football player appeared on the set, a bystander said, "What a handsome guy."
After all, ex-football players do television spots all the time, usually with a beer in one hand.
And now the ex-football player was looking into the camera.
Lemoyne looked like the ex-football player that he was.
Taylor, a senior and ex-football player who throws frequent parties.
"Friend might be an ex-football player, even, four, five years in the pros, something like that."
I'm an ex-football player, a big black guy.
Red Dog - An ex-football player banned for unnecessary roughness.
Landry turned out to be a jovial young ex-football player who covered the airport news for his paper.
He looked like an ex-football player, complete with a huge neck and a crooked, lumpy nose that had been broken too many times.