But how much can the United States, running a budget deficit expected to exceed $350 billion this year, do to help the ex-Communist countries?
Despite the growing pains of economic reform, including income contraction and worsening public health, a "free-market consensus" has emerged in the ex-Communist countries.
Unless growth accelerates in the industrial world, the plight of the third world and the ex-Communist countries will worsen.
At the same time, the ex-Communist countries' dash for freedom and independence came at a heavy economic cost.
Not even in those eastern European ex-communist countries!
Prostitution is illegal in most of the ex-communist countries of Eastern Europe.
All of the ex-communist countries and most of the African countries who had supported Resolution 3379 voted to repeal it.
However, if you subtract the ex-communist countries, the decrease is only 5.2%.
Some ex-communist countries, such as Russia, still follow this custom or simply celebrate both holidays, which is the custom in Ukraine.
And there has been talk, though not yet enough action, to help people in the former Soviet Union and other ex-communist countries.