In effect, capitalism was evolving spontaneously into socialism without the justice.
If lords and monarchs could keep to it, all beings would evolve spontaneously.
Second law of thermodynamics: An isolated system, if not already in its state of thermodynamic equilibrium, spontaneously evolves towards it.
The idea for the cave setting evolved spontaneously when he created a number of enclosed spaces.
Energy from lightning and solar radiation then caused the compounds to evolve spontaneously into living matter.
Hard-to-cure variants evolve spontaneously in response to drugs.
The software isn't evolving spontaneously in a vacuum... it has creators and (allegedly) intelligent design to thank for these effects of competition.
But others argue that the country did not simply evolve spontaneously into one that allows more freedom of expression to blacks.
They reproduce, mutate genetically, devour each other, compete, cooperate and behave in complex patterns that evolve spontaneously from simple rules.
You no sooner discover a remedy for one version, than it spontaneously evolves into another.